The American Ontology

I subscribe to the American Ontology, which can be stated as follows: An entity can be said to exist, if and only if, and to the extent that, it is, or pertains to, a celebrity. Places, material objects, and animals exist to the extent that they are the places, material objects, and animals of celebrities. Events don’t happen unless they happen to celebrities. Entire regions of the world don’t exist, because they don’t contain celebrities. The American Ontology can be seen as a logical consequence of Berkeley’s famous esse est percipi : to be is to be seen. And therefore, the more seen something is, the more it is . Everyone else can be dismantled, and used for spare parts. In turn, the American Ontology has its own logical consequences: celebrities only exist because of their relation to other celebrities. For instance: Jordyn Woods is famous (i.e. existent) because she was living with Kylie Jenner. Kylie Jenner is famous because she...