Immanent Critique and the Argument from Authority
Pastiche - which, as Jameson notes, is characteristic of postmodernism - is difficult to overcome. It is difficult even to imagine overcoming it. This is one aspect of the larger problem that it is less difficult to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the end of capitalism. How can one overcome pastiche? Only through immanent critique. (The immanent critique of pastiche itself - that is a fascinating and provocative proposition.) It is an understandable misunderstanding to assume that immanent critique is characterized by a sarcastic attitude. Might one provisionally accept the methodological presuppositions of that which one is critiquing? Perhaps. Does this necessarily entail some amount of irony? Maybe. But for immanent critique to work, it demands a profound seriousness and dedication taken all the way to the end and beyond. One must "play it straight." For that reason, the danger of miscommunication lies in the opp...