Two Terrible Strategies

[I posted this to facebook years ago - February 5, 2017 to be exact. It seems relevant again. See below for an update.] Let’s talk strategy, because the left sucks at strategy. In particular, let’s look at asymmetrical political strategy, when your opponent has way more power than you. This applies to Berniecrats dealing with establishment Democrats. It may also apply to the radical left dealing with Berniecrats, though it’s debatable how much power Berniecrats actually have.* The essence of political strategy is leverage. The first thing to realize is that, although your opponent has more power than you, that doesn’t mean that you are powerless. The immediate goal is to figure out what kind of power you do have, and then think about how you can leverage that power to get to a stronger position. Having leverage and using it: this is how you take over. Let’s start with: Two Terrible Strat...