Another True, Correct Interpretation of Nietzsche
Another true, correct interpretation of Nietzsche is to see him as a Christian. This is not my interpretation, but I have to admit, it works.... In my earlier essay, I traced a path through Nietzsche's thought that involved a sudden reversal - as I put it there, a "liberating, delightful punchline that explodes the entire shaggy dog story of Nietzsche's thought." I went on: "Moreover, I believe that Nietzsche intended for his reader to have this experience, but also chose not to speak or write of it directly, merely hinting at it, more through what is left unwritten than that which is written, so that the reader could have the opportunity to come to this conclusion on her own. [...] Maybe Nietzsche knew that this experience cannot be had directly through reading - that it is in some sense transcendent, beyond the written page, unspeakable, ineffable, beyond language - that one must have it on one's own, in some ways against the reading." ...