Markets and Rivers
A lot of people on the so-called "right" tend to see markets as the most efficient way to allocate resources, think of them as information processors better than the people that constitute them, ascribe a kind of "wisdom" to them, and sometimes almost go so far as to argue that the market is always right - they verge on worshipping markets as a kind of secular god. A lot of people on the so-called "left" tend to see markets as inherently evil, something that has to be stamped out. But then there are other people, myself included, who don't think in either of these terms. First of all, I want to emphasize that the existence of a market is not the same thing as capitalism. Capitalism is a recent phenomenon - it has only existed for a few centuries. Markets, on the other hand, have existed for a very, very long time - back pretty far into the prehistoric era. (It may even be possible that something like markets exist among some non-human animals - ...