Liberalism in One Sentence
Liberalism in one sentence: "X is the morally right thing to say, therefore X is true." EDIT: Of course, there's more to it than that. In some ways, that's inaccurate. In some cases, liberals are primarily concerned with "optics". Therefore, they aren't so concerned with whether something is actually morally right - they're only concerned with whether it looks morally right. (As Debord put it, the slogan of the spectacle is "That which appears is good, that which is good appears" - thus liberalism is inextricably tied up with spectacle.) "That's a bad look" is something that liberals say (the honest ones). But other liberals really have a politics that consists of trying to have good intentions and think good thoughts. But it doesn't really matter. The cynical liberal, who is only concerned with optics, and the idealistic liberal, who genuinely wants to be morally right, are effectively the same thing. FURTHER EDIT:...