The Two Most Important Statements in Marx
The two most important statements in all of Karl Marx's writings come from the same book ("Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right"). In fact, they come from the very same page. I call them "thesis 1" and "thesis 2," though Marx does not number them. They are as follows: Thesis 1: "...It is evident that all forms of the state have democracy for their truth, and for that reason are false to the extent that they are not democracy." and Thesis 2: "...In true democracy, the political state disappears." How one interprets Marx hangs completely on how one interprets these two statements. In a few words, Marx brings together all the diverse tendencies that made the group of thinkers to which he belonged so distinctive - a group that was familiar and conversant with the writings of Hegel and other important philosophers of the period, and yet represented a rebellious, even shocking divergence from tradition. ...