Do you really think fascism is coming to America?

I have gone back and forth many times on the question of whether we are entering a period of fascism. If it is indeed true that we are entering a period of fascism, then we should focus all of our energy on defeating fascism. That means that we have to build a democratic (small d) coalition large enough to defeat fascism. This means that we have to put aside all of our other political disputes, embracing people we otherwise might not, in order to win them over to the side of democracy. We have to accept them as they are, not try to change them, and make ourselves appealing to them. So, for instance: if there are people who are anti-vaxxers, or people who question the origins of Covid and think it may have been intentionally designed in a lab, or who perhaps just think that people should be free to make their own medical choices, we have to welcome them into our movement. If there are conspiracy theorists, in general, we have to welcome them into our...