Voldemort and Harry meet at the Piraeus

[originally posted to facebook, June 22, 2016] Voldemort: Join me, Harry! There is no good and evil. There is only power, and those too weak to seek it. Will you join me? Harry: Before I answer, tell me this: what is power? Voldemort: The ability to do whatever you want, and to have whatever you want happen. If you become a Death Eater, there will be no limits to the magic you can perform. Do What Thou Wilt shall be the whole of the law. Harry: But if I join you, I'd have to do what you say. Voldemort: Of course. I am the leader of the Death Eaters. Harry: So I would actually be losing power, if I joined you. Voldemort: Technically. Harry: Tell me about honesty and dishonesty. Voldemort: Mere illusions! This binary opposition derives from the fundamental illusion, which is morality itself! Harry: Illusions, eh? So you mean that saying that morality does exist is... dishonest? Voldemort: I see what you did there. Harry: If there are no rules ab...