Stalin as Postmodernist
Postmodernism is often thought of as an anti-totalitarian movement, especially when "totalitarianism" is understood to describe an ideology that totalizes, that applies its worldview to every facet of human life without exception, and most especially when this worldview is in some way seen as derived from a dogmatic "meta-narrative" that explains and gives meaning to history. Thus, the foremost theorist of postmodernism, Jean-François Lyotard, describes postmodernism as a epoch characterized by a skepticism towards over-arching metanarratives, summing it up with the slogan "Let us make war upon totality." Postmodern culture emphasizes the incomplete, the fragmentary, the pastiche, the intersectional, the patchwork of contrasting and sometimes incompatible worldviews that co-exist with a certain unavoidable tension. Postmodernist politics are characterized by their focus on the local, the micro-level of politics, rather than any pretensions to the global...