"Stupid" does not mean "False"

I want to make it clear before we go any further that stupid is not a synonym for false.  Not at all.  There are plenty of ideas that are stupid, but true.  There are also plenty of ideas that are smart, but false.

It's also worth acknowledging that what is a stupid idea for a human might not be stupid for a non-human, such as an A.I..  It may even be the case that what is stupid for one human may not be stupid for another.  This is not to say that stupidity is purely subjective and it's up to you what's smart for you and what's stupid for you - it is, at least to a very large degree, an objective fact which kinds of ideas will be more effective for you to use and which will be less effective.  But this ordinal ranking may vary from one person to another.  It's like blood type: yes, blood type varies from person to person, yet it is nonetheless a knowable, observable fact.  Just as there are blood that compatible and incompatible with you, that would be potentially healthy or unhealthy for you, there are ideas and courses of action that would be stupid for you, which might not be stupid for someone else.

And while we're at it, we should also note that "stupid" does not mean "bad" and "smart" does not mean "good".  This is not a moralistic or normative distinction.  Nor does "stupid" mean "undesirable," nor does "smart" mean "desirable".  You may choose stupidity.  That's fine.  Sometimes I do, too.


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