Why I am not a postmodernist

Fundamentally, in a way, I think we are not yet postmodern.  We do not have the luxury or the privilege of being postmodern.  Postmodernists see modernism as a fait accompli - been there, done that.  But I see modernism as a problem, a problem that has not yet been solved.  There is more work to do.  The modernist project was not completed, it was merely abandoned.  Or perhaps it is better to speak not of the modernist project, singular, but rather of the modernist projects, plural.  There are more novels to write, there is more art to create, there is more music to perform, and, at another level, there is more politics to achieve, there is more economic transformation to accomplish, there is more ecology to revolutionize, and so on.  We did not finish, and we should not kid ourselves that we did.  I will not be a part of the abandonment.


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