There's no word in English that makes me as angry as "qualia". It's a bad term, worse than useless - actually deceptive - espescially when people ask how "qualia" are "added" to perceptions. No, that's not what happens, that's not how it works, and when anyone who even entertains this thought, I have to question whether or not they are a human being who has ever experienced anything.
What I hate most about the word "qualia" is its plurality. People act as if there were certain "characteristics" of a thing that can only be experienced by a conscious being - as opposed to other "characteristics," which can be recorded by a videocamera, say. But that's missing the point completely, and getting us way off track. We have a great mystery to solve, and these idiotic dabblers are getting us bogged down in pointless distractions.
There are no qualia. There is only consciousness, singular.
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