There is more than a whiff of weird, inverted idealism when Sartre makes his Romantic pronouncements about how only the dead are truly free. Water Benjamin was much closer to the truth when he said, "Even the dead are not safe."
Against Curtis Yarvin, a.k.a. Mencius Moldbug
Since 2007, there has been a tiny, marginal movement on the internet, or several overlapping movements, started by a person named Curtis Yarvin, better known by his assumed name, "Mencius Moldbug." (I'll use that name; it's less obscure.) Spreading out from Silicon Valley, where it first became trendy, the movement(s) have been known by various names. Moldbug originally called his political philosophy "formalism" - at that time, he was advocating for the government being run in the style of a corporation - especially a Silicon Valley startup - with a powerful CEO. But that never caught on, and he abandoned it in favor of "neo-cameralism." But this turned out not to capture anyone's imagination either, and so other names appeared: the Dark Enlightenment, neo-monarchism, and most famous of all, the "NeoReactionary movement" - NRx for short. Are all these terms equivalent, or are there subtle distinctions between them? And what ex...
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