The problem with conspiracy theory is that it is insufficiently radical

How can one avoid descending into conspiracy theory?  The key is avoiding moralism - the illusion that individuals are responsible for oppression and thus that the problems can be fixed when evil people in decision-making positions are replaced with good people. Once one understands that it is the structures themselves - and the economic dynamics which determine those structures - that must be replaced, rather than the people who happen to occupy them, one can fully integrate this into one's analysis. That is what is fundamentally necessary to transform conspiracy theory into radicalism.

Conspiracy theory is a form of scapegoating.  The problem with conspiracy theory is that it leads to inaction and passive acceptance of control and oppression.  It does this in two ways: first, in making the enemy seem so huge and powerful that nothing can be done to stop them.  There is a quote I've seen attributed to Umberto Eco and to Karl Popper - I'm not sure who said it first - which goes, "The conspiracy theory of society comes from abandoning God and then asking, 'Who will take his place?'"  If one no longer imagines an omnipotent deity to give every experience of one's life a secret meaning, then there will be a temptation to imagine a malevolent person, or group of people, of near-omnipotence, who will equally give a secret, occult, and malevolent meaning, spelled out in secret codes, cyphers, and symbols.  Conspiracism has been justly called "the devil theory of history."  Some people manage to believe in both at once: God and the devil.  Then everything has two meanings: two for the price of one.

The second way conspiracy theory maintains the status quo is that it renders politics into a kind of police action.  Conspiracy theorists are always looking for the "few bad apples."  Once one reveals the evil-doers, one need only arrest them and bring them to justice and then equilibrium will be restored, as in a fairy tale.  But in reality, their replacements in the system will be motivated by the same incentives and will fulfill the same role.  "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss," as the old song goes.  I have no doubt that most, if not all, of the employees of the CIA are, in their own way, kind, dedicated, patriotic, professionals.  It's not enough to "drain the swamp" of the "deep state" - we must close down the CIA, permanently, once and for all.  You have been taught that this is unthinkable.

The conspiracy theorist divides the world up into "good guys" and "bad guys".  But who, ultimately, is responsible for your oppression, and who is responsible for ending it?  You are!


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