The First Thing Marxists Must Learn

I've made the point many times that the problem with Marxism is that it isn't scientific enough.

How can we make Marxism more scientific?  This is a huge project, and there are many directions to pursue in the process of attaining this extremely difficult goal.  But there is one aspect of the problem that absolutely must come first:

The first thing that Marxists must learn, if they are going to get anywhere at all, is this: Marxists must learn to live with other Marxists.

Emo Philips joke: 

'Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, “Don’t do it!”  He said, “But nobody loves me.”  I said, “God loves you.  Do you believe in God?”  He said, “Yes.”  I said, “Are you a Christian or a Jew?”  He said, “A Christian.”  I said, “Me, too!  Protestant or Catholic?”  He said, “Protestant.”  I said, “Me, too!  What denomination?”  He said, “Baptist.”  I said, “Me, too!  Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?”  He said, “Northern Baptist.”  I said, “Me, too!  Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?”  He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist.”  I said, “Me, too!  Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?”  He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region.”  I said, “Me, too!  Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879 or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?”  He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912.”  I said, “Die, heretic!”  And I pushed him off the bridge.'

Philips is talking about the "narcissism of small differences" - a concept popularized by Freud, who based it on the earlier work of Ernest Crawley.  It is the ideas that are most similar to our own that are most difficult to tolerate.  That's how it is among Christians, among Muslims, and among Marxists as well.  

But the ability to be comfortable among people with whom you have theoretical disagreements is the absolute prerequisite of a scientific community.  

This is not to say that theoretical differences do not matter.  On the contrary - it means the very opposite of that.   It means that theoretical differences do matter.  This is how they matter.  The person who cannot live with theoretical differences is the person for whom theoretical differences do not matter, i.e., the person for whom theoretical differences are worthless.  Therefore, such a person will attempt to eradicate all theoretical difference.  The person who genuinely values theoretical differences will strive to maintain them, and appreciate them.

Some theoretical physicists are string theorists.  Others are not.  Some theoretical physicists think that string theory is simply a mistake.  Many people in universities are string theorists.  The debates amongst the physicist community over the topic of string theory are not merely theoretic and scientific - many of these people's jobs are on the line - and opportunities for an academic career are getting narrower and narrower.  As a result, tensions can be quite high.  Resentments can be bitter and intense.  And yet no one is worried that physicists are likely to murder each other over their respective positions vis-a-vis the search for a grand unified theory.  That's because physics is a real science.  These are serious people.

Marxists are not.  They have proven that, again, and again - first as tragedy, then as farce.  And so no one takes Marxism seriously.  Nor should they.  Until they can learn to develop a capacity for a genuinely critical theory, with the continual potential for actual critical thought, Marxists will be nothing but worthless frauds.


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